Made in Australia and developed by expert pet nutritionist with over 50 years of experience in the animal nutrition realm, the LifeWise Puppy Lamb & Fish Formula is scientifically formulated with biologically appropriate ingredients that help your puppy grow with optimal nutrition. Free of gluten, dairy, wheat, corn, and soy, this hypoallergenic dry puppy food is gentle on sensitive puppy stomachs and helps prevent stomach upsets and even skin issues.

Balanced with carefully selected Australian lamb, wild-caught tuna, rice, oat groats, and vegetables, this puppy food formula provides complete daily nutrition and contains high amounts of protein, and essential fatty acids to help muscle and bone growth, joint health, and the appearance and texture of skin and coat. With the proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the formula, this will help your puppy’s bone development to ensure they mature and grow properly.

To protect your growing pup’s gut and digestive system, kelp, Yucca schidigera, beta glucans, and yeast extracts are added to this formula to promote healthier gut functioning and improve digestion. Fortified with added vitamins and minerals, this LifeWise Puppy Food Formula has all you need to nourish your pup.


• Premium Australian-made holistic dry puppy food with a balanced blend of Australian lamb meat, wild-caught tuna fish, lamb fat, rice, oat groats, and vegetables
• Australian-sourced ingredients that are biologically appropriate for your puppy to consume and achieve optimal health and improve digestion
• Contains essential fatty acids to promote healthier skin and fur coat and infused with essential vitamins and minerals for daily nutrition
• Scientifically formulated with proper nutrient ratios to support your puppy’s bone and muscle development
• Includes kelp, yeast extracts, beta glucans, and Yucca schidigera to improve gut health and maintain a properly functioning digestive system
• No gluten, dairy, wheat, corn, or soy for a hypoallergenic formula – great for sensitive puppy stomachs
• Created by Meals for Mutts founder and expert pet nutritionist, Bill Wiadrowski

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Australian lamb, wild tuna, lamb fat, rice, oat groats, sweet lupins, carrots, spinach, parsley, kelp, yeast extract, vitamins A, C, D3, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, pantothenate, folacin, and natural organic acids, plus added minerals calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese and iodine. Also contains natural flavours, Yucca schidigera extract and is preserved with natural vitamin E and rosemary oil.

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